Meet the Owner Jenny Taylor

What's Up Everyone!
Thank you so much for stopping by my Company!
Everyone asks me: "How did you get started in Boudoir Photography" 🙈
For Christmas, when I was 8 years old, I received a little pink Kodak camera from my Nana and fell in love from first click. Back then I was so sad because my parents were getting a divorce. Every time that Camera was in my hands, and I asked people to “SAY CHEESE” and “SMILE REAL BIG” it lit up my heart and made me feel happier seeing others smile. And it still does to this day!
I was always the friend with the camera back in school (when there were no camera phones.) I would walk up to the local Walgreens each weekend to get my film “developed.” I always wanted to be a photographer, and when it came time to go to college, photography wasn’t seen as a “real job” so I went to college and …… well that's another long story that I’ll share another time LOL
Back in 2010 I was working in the Corporate World and just decided to buy a professional camera.
I asked my best friend, NIKKI, “Hey, What can I take pictures of?”
She said “How about me in some lingerie for my boyfriend!”
I was like: “OMG I am not doing that!?”
Nikki said: “No, like a pretty Victorias Secret style”
The 1st day I offered my boudoir photography services (having zero clue how to even turn the camera on) 6 of my friends came in for a shoot. The following weekend 6 more of my friends met up to get photographed, and after 6 months, GOD came to me and said “You have an opportunity here” So I quit my corporate job, only having $10K in savings, signed a commercial lease (which is still our JTBP Corporate Headquarters in Naperville, Illinois) scared out of my mind and WENT FOR IT! And the rest is History! As I write this, we are about to Grand Open our 11th studio in New York and my vision is to have 39 locations around the world. 🌎
Side Note about Nikki ❤️.....She has been with the company since day ONE and is our Director of Photography and Manager of the Arizona Studio who travel worldwide as one of our Trainers and STILL my Best Friend!
I’d love to share more of my story with you on my Personal Instagram and TikTok
So Please Click and Follow me there and Feel Free to DM Me too!
Love Always, Jenny Taylor
-Just a girl from the Cornfields of the Chicago Suburbs, with NO College Degree, Tons of Failures and Millions of Embarrassing Stories, ZERO Business or Photography Training who Chased her Dreams and Never Stopped. I am a regular person just like you, and If I can do it: “YOU CAN DO IT TOO"